Yangzhou Liangshuang Cosmetic Co., Ltd. was founded in 2014. The company is ted in Hangji, the ecological new distict of science and technology, which is ted in the easten sububs of the histoical city Yangzhou. Ning-tong expessway goes though the town, so the taffic is vey convenient.Liangshuangis vey pofessional in the poduction of Shampoo, showe gel and othe hotel supplies. It is an integated cosmetic company including eseach and development, poduction and sales.
Thee ae moe than one hunded employees inLiangshuang. It has the independent eseach and development team, advanced poduction line and pofessional quality depatment. The poducts don&squo;t only ean the favo fom the domestic clients, but also popula in the intenational maket, like England, Gemany and othe Euopean counties; Ameica, Bazil and othe Ameican counties; and some Afican counties. The company is always in line with the tenet of
1、关于产品图片: 我们的产品图片均为实物拍摄,无任何外在软件处理,保证图片和实物一样;但在不同光线下,不同的显示器下看会造成色差问题,如需定货可来样或告之色卡号。
2 关于打样: 我们可以为客人提供优质的打样服务,但因打样过程需付出一定的工时,需要适当收取一定的费用,如今后双方产生合作关系,该费用可无条件退还;
3、关于样品费用: 如是常规的产品,我们会为有诚意的客人提供相关的样品,只须客人承担快递费用;如产品价值较高的产品或样品数量较多的情况下,客人需要支付一定的样品费,样品费在今后的合作中可从货款中扣除。
4、关于做货时间 如无特殊情况,正常的交货时间为收到订金日起10天内,特殊情况可商洽!请各位新老客户提前15-20天与我们定货,已确保我们能正常交货;
5、关于出货时间: 一般情况下出货时间为收到定金后的7-10天内准时交货。
6、关于付款方式: 我们在保证货品质量的前提下,收取合同金额或货值的30-50%作为定金,在货物生产结束后客人需及时支付70%的余款后,我们方能安排出货;在定金或余款已安排的情况下请及时通知我们,以免耽误生产和交货时间;
7、运输方式 可发快递或物流,常用的快递合作伙伴有:顺丰、申通、圆通、MSN、韵达、天天快递等,物流合作伙伴有:中原物流、旺旺联运等其